Monday 19 December 2011

Soft drinks????????????

Boy drinking beverage through straw

Hi ,Soft drink and ice cubes in glass
   Almost all over the world soft drinks are drunk by all age group (except infant),liked and sold,served in restaurants and parties,found every 2nd doorsteps refrigerator,you have heard about hard drinks ,cold drinks and sports drink,but my blog is concerned about the side  effects of it. .Orange and grape juice in glasses with strawsparty food
What is soft drink?  Soft drink is basically non alcoholic beverage containing carbonated water,sugar and flavors,sugar substitute can be used in diet soft drink,good examples are coke, fizzy drinks,soda pop etc.
Milk shake ,tea ,coffee are not considered as soft drinks.
Hard drink is contrary to above one,it is alcoholic and legally and religiously prohibited in Muslim countries, while sports drinks are usually used to get instant energy and made for the athletes to help them in rehydration.
Gatorade is the very popular sports drink.Drinks which are taken cold are known as cold drink.
why people use soft drinks?  The primary reason is inexpensive the soft drinks are along with easily available every where,just open and quench the thirst,on the other hand the healthy fruits juices cost much more than of it.Cheeseburger and Coke
  1. It is very tasty and part and parcel for a b.b.q and combo deals.
  2. The enthusiastic promotions of soft drinks  works a lot,the slogan ''the choice of new generation''attracted the middle and old aged people, by holding a bottles in their hands they suppose themselves among the youngsters. 
  3. Variations are found in taste with the same cost.
  4. Some people use it in order to get rid of the heart burning and acidity ,ridiculous.

The hazards of soft drinks: 
  • Obesity:Several scientific researches  made this conclusion that weight gain and soft drinks are directly in relation as it contains high sweeteners which is a genuine source of an obesity and weight gain brings a numbers of health hazards,each soft drink a day can raise the danger of weight gain 1.6 times  as studies proved.
  • Increases blood pressure: Fructose is also used in soft drink,may shoot up the blood pressure ,leads towards brain hemorrhage.
  • Soft drinks are also a predictor of heart burn, acidity and liver diseases.
  • Diabetes: As above mention obesity, which cause diabetes ,as your's body becomes fatter it stresses the body's ability to process the sugar.
  • Dental erosion:  Soft drink's acidity dissolves the mineral content of our tooth enamel,in the result tooth becomes weaken and more susceptible for decay.
  • Kidney damage:  Researches demonstrated that these drinks forms kidney stones as your body must buffer the acidity of drink with the calcium of your own bones,this calcuim eliminates and slowly forms stones in kidney, stones development is due to the radical imbalances of a drink.
  • Weakened bones:   Some scientists believe that acidity in colas reduces calcium from bones and tends to osteoporosis, studies showed that calcuim riches milk fortifies yours bone and colas is contrary.
  • Cause cell damage: Recent research from British university concluded common preservatives E211 also know as sodium benzoate found in drinks like fanta has the ability to switch off or remove the vital parts of DNA.

United sates ranks first among countries in soft drinks consumption,there obesity is at its peak,at the same time the contents of drink can cause restlessness,irritation ,high blood pressure,insomnia ,frequent urination,and gastrointestinal disturbance.
To sum up.these drinks are useless ,just filtered water and excessive sugar,try to replace it by water ,natural or packed  juices, tea and milk shakes which may bring rise in your's budget but keep you fresh ,healthy ,young and energetic.
Have a good life. 
take care ,
Regards ,sabahat ehsan


  1. nice topic sabahat.......soft drink is not a good for health and we should avoid it as much as possible .here i want to mention one more point which u didn't mentioned in ur article ...soft drink is very harmful for women specially because it may cause reproductive system and may damage it too so women should not drink too much colas

  2. Normally we don't see such a detailed analysis of soft drinks may be because its almost a part of everyone's life, so is good to see such post. There is no dual thought that soft drinks are not good for health at all, but i don't know why people are not avoiding it, infact parents give these drinks to there children in very early age.
    There effect may appear later in age but while drinking mostly we didn't think this. Its above from my mind that why our government is not taking any proper action against them other then this they are not even checking there standard. I m sure when one would see how they are being made, they will not drink it again.

    Keep up good work Sabahat....Good Luck.

  3. Sabahat ! I must say that soft drink is not good for human body, A soft drink may contain caffeine, fruit juice or both, that is harmful for us, it may feel good to have soft drinks in hot summers but in the end it cause illness.

  4. Nice blog....usallay we can't get as such information tht u give in ur blogs.....great research and info...good keep it up.
