Monday 19 December 2011

sabahat ehsan'sblog:

sabahat ehsan'sblog:

Soft drinks????????????

Boy drinking beverage through straw

Hi ,Soft drink and ice cubes in glass
   Almost all over the world soft drinks are drunk by all age group (except infant),liked and sold,served in restaurants and parties,found every 2nd doorsteps refrigerator,you have heard about hard drinks ,cold drinks and sports drink,but my blog is concerned about the side  effects of it. .Orange and grape juice in glasses with strawsparty food
What is soft drink?  Soft drink is basically non alcoholic beverage containing carbonated water,sugar and flavors,sugar substitute can be used in diet soft drink,good examples are coke, fizzy drinks,soda pop etc.
Milk shake ,tea ,coffee are not considered as soft drinks.
Hard drink is contrary to above one,it is alcoholic and legally and religiously prohibited in Muslim countries, while sports drinks are usually used to get instant energy and made for the athletes to help them in rehydration.
Gatorade is the very popular sports drink.Drinks which are taken cold are known as cold drink.
why people use soft drinks?  The primary reason is inexpensive the soft drinks are along with easily available every where,just open and quench the thirst,on the other hand the healthy fruits juices cost much more than of it.Cheeseburger and Coke
  1. It is very tasty and part and parcel for a b.b.q and combo deals.
  2. The enthusiastic promotions of soft drinks  works a lot,the slogan ''the choice of new generation''attracted the middle and old aged people, by holding a bottles in their hands they suppose themselves among the youngsters. 
  3. Variations are found in taste with the same cost.
  4. Some people use it in order to get rid of the heart burning and acidity ,ridiculous.

The hazards of soft drinks: 
  • Obesity:Several scientific researches  made this conclusion that weight gain and soft drinks are directly in relation as it contains high sweeteners which is a genuine source of an obesity and weight gain brings a numbers of health hazards,each soft drink a day can raise the danger of weight gain 1.6 times  as studies proved.
  • Increases blood pressure: Fructose is also used in soft drink,may shoot up the blood pressure ,leads towards brain hemorrhage.
  • Soft drinks are also a predictor of heart burn, acidity and liver diseases.
  • Diabetes: As above mention obesity, which cause diabetes ,as your's body becomes fatter it stresses the body's ability to process the sugar.
  • Dental erosion:  Soft drink's acidity dissolves the mineral content of our tooth enamel,in the result tooth becomes weaken and more susceptible for decay.
  • Kidney damage:  Researches demonstrated that these drinks forms kidney stones as your body must buffer the acidity of drink with the calcium of your own bones,this calcuim eliminates and slowly forms stones in kidney, stones development is due to the radical imbalances of a drink.
  • Weakened bones:   Some scientists believe that acidity in colas reduces calcium from bones and tends to osteoporosis, studies showed that calcuim riches milk fortifies yours bone and colas is contrary.
  • Cause cell damage: Recent research from British university concluded common preservatives E211 also know as sodium benzoate found in drinks like fanta has the ability to switch off or remove the vital parts of DNA.

United sates ranks first among countries in soft drinks consumption,there obesity is at its peak,at the same time the contents of drink can cause restlessness,irritation ,high blood pressure,insomnia ,frequent urination,and gastrointestinal disturbance.
To sum up.these drinks are useless ,just filtered water and excessive sugar,try to replace it by water ,natural or packed  juices, tea and milk shakes which may bring rise in your's budget but keep you fresh ,healthy ,young and energetic.
Have a good life. 
take care ,
Regards ,sabahat ehsan

Monday 5 December 2011




Happiness is a real treasure and pleasure in one's life,every one is seeking for happiness,but indeed
it is a very unique feeling,not to be felt by every one any time. Apparently happiness is a joy,cheering
and laughter but it has so many hidden aspects.
Aristotle says,''very little needed to make you happy,it is all within yourself,in a way of your thinking''.
Simply he wants to say that happiness is basically what is in your mind,your approaches,the criteria
of happiness vary, some people get happiness in money,some in love and affection,few gets it in
working or in devotion and some may be find it in brutal ism,hence it has been proved it depends
upon one's thinking .


1: Spirit of contentment is the key to open the door of joys and happiness, means what you and where you
are,you feel comfortable and satisfied,it helps you to get mental relaxation which leads toward happiness,
all the time regrets and remain unsatisfied always brings sorrow and fear. ''content makes the poor
man rich,discontenment makesrich man poor''.(Benjamin Franklin)
2: Make sure your inner body condition must be fine and healthy,sometimes hidden illnesses make the
person sad and irritating,it is essential to keep an eye on yours body condition,if needed consult the
relevant doctor.
3: Make a social circle vast,though some times it become pathetic and interfering but communication
removes many of fears and work as n oxygen for brain.It seems to be very horrible to have no champ
as i also discuss so many things with my friends and cope up with those problems which seems impossible.

4: Compatible spouse is a real treasure of joys and cheers,if you have a understanding, communicating
and caring life partner ,it proved you are fortune by birth ,on the other hand if you don't have so try to
mold your life according to your spouse in order to find real pleasure which you deserve.

5: Bad memory also plays a wonderful role to fill one's life with cheers ,always forget the bad experiences
or deeds of yours rival.forgive them by keeping it in mind you have what your rival wish for.
TO sum up,indeed life is just a span ,have laughter and spread happiness as it grows when you spread it.

Best of luck.
Thanks .

Thursday 17 November 2011


Obstination is commonly found in every man,but the roots of this disease has gotten stronger in a very intial ages,and the man is going to be ruled by his obstination till his last breath which may cause hundreds of blunders in one's life.I am watching every day different kinds of sttuborn kids in my surrounding
.what does mean by stubborn?  Doing the forbidden things again and again or create  fuss to be get something ,,it is a very simple detail of the word sttuborn.
WHY do the children become sttuborn ?According to my perception,as i was myself very sttuborn from my childhood till today,the extra care or some time the extreme ignorance can lead to the child toward sttuborn,as i was elder baby of my parents and also in my maternal side thats why ultra affection was the genuine cause of my this weakness,I used to do all the activities whether harmful or harm less for me as i always get mysef compel after obstination,any ways the second primary reason of obstiantion which i found among kids is being getting neglected by thier parents,the lack of communiction between parents and kid develop fuss and stubbornness  in a child,as commonly observed that some parents just follow thier kids and pull them towards obstination as they get annoy or irritate by thier kids asking for some thing and rather than making them understnd by love and care , they get rid of thier child by following them,so cosy for parents but severely dangerous for kid.
How to handle the sttuborness in kids?
COMMUNICATION between the parents and kids is the key of better nurture to the child.
STORY TELLING is also a good skill to make the kid understand but always remember story should be exemplum.
DO NOT FORBID the kid all the time ,the child may loose his independence and diffident child is not your desire surely.
TAKING PART IN Child's ACTIVITY ON AND OFF would remove worthless fear of parent and develops friendly environment.
COOL AND HOT ATTITUDE both are necessary which runs the kid according to parents. 
kids are the precious gift of God ,little effort made for them can give a complete  person to our society.

Saturday 12 November 2011

MURMUR(the silent disease)

Recently I had delivered my second baby girl,she seemed to be a normal child at a glance having appropriate weight too,but by the passage of time i came to know that she had some kind of problem as she did lots of vomit after every feed and March 16 was a very shocking day of my life when she spewed a blood clots.

At last doctor concluded  that my little angel is suffering from the heart disease called medically MURMUR
Murmurs are the extra heart sound that are produced in the consequence of the turbulent blood flow and can be heard by the help of stethoscope.
TYPES OF MURMUR:cardiovascular system
                .PATHOLOGICAL MURMUR
First one is a murmur due to the physiological conditions  outside  the heart and normally harmless and required no specific treatment .
But the pathological murmur is may be the narrowing or leakage valves or may due to the abnormal passage through which the blood flows in or near the  heart and some times HOLE IN THE HEART.
       Unfortunately my princess has a pathological murmur ,better known hole in a heart ,which is congenital and doctor suggested the open heart surgery as the size of hole is about 10mm.
 I must share the most important thing over is that most of the congenital disease in our babies are found due to the some pre delivered  process ,for instance RUBELLA which cause severe problems after birth like cataract ,blind or deafness in new born.
REGARD stock photo : Human heart with the main veins